"Express yourself"
"and Be You" unites people with different talents. Self-expression can help us stay connected to how we feel. Discovering the best way to express yourself can be beneficial. You may like to express yourself in a certain way, such as doing sport, painting, dancing, singing, drumming, competing or even shouting in a pillow. If you're not sure which type is best for you, come to visit us and try!
Moving your body gives you a mood boost! When you exercise and move your body, you produce more serotonin, which is a chemical found in your body that helps improve your mood, sleep, and thinking. If you experience depression, anxiety disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder, exercise and movement could be very good for helping you manage your moods and relieve stress.
Even if you don’t think of yourself there are so many useful ways of expressing yourself. Even if you’re not particularly good at any, give it a try. You don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it.
There are so many ways to be creative and it doesn’t have to be just painting or drawing. Not only is art good for expressing yourself, it can also be used for relaxation. Getting the thoughts out of your mind and onto paper can be incredibly relieving.
One of the simplest ways of expressing ourselves is through communication. Effective communication is learning how to express your thoughts and feelings in an appropriate way with another person and is an important life skill to have.
Whatever it is you decide to do, it should come naturally and be a source of pleasure for you! :-)
Vision & Values
Be Kind
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Work Hard
Have Fun
Be Faithful